Halo 3 maps:(its not in order)


Kool map .
Has two bases. A crashed pelican at da middle of da map on one side and a radio antenna on da other side.
next to da radio antenna is a turret.
Both da bases have two man cannons. On default weapons there is a missle pod on each base .
Default vehicles on map are two mongeese(plural of da halo mongoose), a warthog , a banshee and a wraith on each base.

High ground:

Best weapon for dis map would be dual wielding a spiker(it mite be brute crap but it kills really fast).There is one turret in da middle of da map.A ghost and a mongoose at da beach and another ghost and mongoose at da only base.
The bunker is a perfect spot for sniping , but beware if da other guy has a sniper cus a head shot would be really easy.On top of da bunker is a trap door kinda thing which can be meleed open or shot , blasted open.
Next to da turret there is a pipe kinda thing which u can go inside by crouching.


Like most maps has two bases quite close to each other.
No turrets on this map.Has 1 ghost and 1 mongoose in da middle of da map in a garage sort of place.
Dont pass da purple things dat make a circle around snowbound (dont go outta snowbond!!)
or dose purple things which are guardians will shoot u down.
Best to keep a carbine or battle rifle wid u with a energy sword or hammer.

The Pit:

Often gives an appearance to ppl dat it is good for close range combat.
Do not be deceived, a sniper can also be a useful weapon on da pit . da best combo would be a battle rifle shotgun combo. or a sniper and rocket luancher combo.
there are 2 bases with a turret on each side. sometimes if u r lucky u mite respawn in a kool place next to each of da bases a perfect sniping spot. because u cant get there if u dont have a grav lift. But...
no vehicles on this map


Nice map.  No vehicles and no turrets.With two bases and a bridge connecting both of em.
A man cannon on each base throwing ppl at da other base. Sniper would be a good weapon as u can shoot da ppl going off da man cannons.and an assult rifle for fast firing.
Tip:To prevent being shot while goin off da man cannon throw a bubble shield infront of u on da man cannon while flying off it.


One of ma fav maps. Its has no weapons or turrets.Da best combo would be a shotgun and sword.
Da blue things in place of doors acts like a shield no grenades or shots can pass through it.In da middle of da map is a plat form which can be used for sniping


Very kool map .
has two bases. A mongoose on each base and a ghost underground .
Best weapon would probably be da needler and carbine.
Da ghost is not suggested for boosting and splattering cus of its uneven terrain.
Da trees can be climbed by using a grav lift.


Nice map. Best to carry a close/medium range weapon like shotgun,assault rifle ,mauler(dual vud b best) , energy sword and hammer as if ur fiting a person it will usually be a close range fite.No turrets or vehicles.
Best tactic vud be to go up da big orange grav-lift and stay there and w8 4 ppl to come to u.

Last resort :

Open map. A sniper and battle rifle would be a good combo. A needler is also useful.There is a turret on da top in da middle next to da huge wheel.There r 2 mongeese inside da base kinda place and a mongoose a ghost and a warthog at da beach.There are explosive cans at usefull places so blow dem up when a guy is near it.


Big open map. Lotsa vehicles.- there r a few mongeese , warthogs and choppers . There is one banshee and two elephants. snipers and battle riflles are recommended. The spartan laser would also be a good vehicle as it can also take out vehicles.


Compact map. Best weapons vud be sword , hammers or shotguns. Plama grenades very useful in this map. No vehicles.And try not to fall off.